Saturday 2 April 2011

Random Survey [AGAIN]

If you woke up as the opposite sex, whats the first thing you would do?
Well, I'm a girl, so if i woke up as a guy i would see how it is to pee standing up.
Are you addicted to anything?
What do you see in a guy/girl?
Has an animal ever attacked you?
A dog...
When was the last time someone made you laugh really hard?
Ten minutes ago, when Emily told me something....inappropriate.
Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?
Lip piercings are HAWT
What's the weirdest thing you've ever licked?
EWWWWWW a window XD
When you wake up, what's the first thought that runs through your head?
Fuck off stupid sun.
Do you actually believe Alaska is covered in snow?
No. It’s covered in cream! :D
Are you ever purposely irritating?
Would you ever play strip poker?
Have never thought of that...lemme get back to you on that one..
If you could make someone disappear, who would it be?
**thinking evil thoughts**
Look behind you, what do you see?
Moi bed
What's your fav thing about the opposite sex?
What's the most important thing to you?
My best friend <3
What would you be doing right now if you were kicked off your computer?
Reading a random book or listening to music
How do you spend your weekends?
Sleeping and staying up late
Who do you want to be with right now?
My mates!
Are you fun to hang with?
Yup, if you like talking bout random shittzles
What country would you love to visit?
What's on your mind right now?
When was the last time you went to a good party?
Few weeks ago
Fav song?
All-American Rejects – Time Stands Still
Can you lick your elbow?
No, can anybody?
If you jumped out your bedroom window right now, how injured would you be?
I think I’ll brake both my arms and one leg, nothing major *sarcastic*
What would you do if your bf/gf cheated on you with your best friend?
Do you like anyone you can't have?
Nope, don’t like anyone
Do you dance even without music?
Does anyone tease you cause of your name?
What song is stuck in your head right now?
Nothing yet
What's your darkest secret?
Not gonna tell u!!! HA HA HA!!!
What do you think is at the end of the rainbow?
A pot of gold, and a leprachaun who's gonna jack your gold and cash put it in the pot and then kill you.
If a blind guy/girl started hitting on you, what would you do?
Be weirded out and say in a low man voice: IM NOT GAY!
What was the last concert you want to?
No concert
Do you speak your mind?
Yes, all the time
Can you handle the truth?
Yup, I like the truth better than the lies
What would you do if someone random person on the street came up to you and started hitting on you?
Say ‘Excuse me but I not a s*** or anything so goodbye’
Ever been caught naked?
Ever been in a fight?
Many, MANY times.
If so did you win?
Most of the time, if not it was just a tie.
Done anything illegal lately?
Name the most stupidest thing you've ever done?
There's just too many
Would you talk to someone you don't know on the internet?
Do it all the time
Ever been in trouble for something you didn't do?
Ever done anything stupid towards a cop?
Have you ever been in an accident of some sort?
If yes, may I ask what the accident was? (You don't have to answer this if you don't want to)
Have you lied to your parents about where you've been or going?
Ever had a prank turn out wrong? (and I don't mean the person dying or anything like that)
Would you send money to a starving family in another country?
Are you hungry?
If you could speak another language, what would it be?
Greek or Italian. They just sound cool and you could curse someone out and they wouldn't know. XD
One word to describe yourself?
Crazy. Random. Retarded.
To describe your friends?
What's the last present you've received?
2 funnee books from moi mum.
What would you rather have as a name?
Any siblings?
1 bro...EW
Are you a sporty kind of person or do you like to lay around and do nothing but watch tv or sit at the computer?
Could you outrun a bus?
Hell to the no.
You and your friends are bored. What do you do?
Listen to music
Who hates Twilight as much as I do?
What's your middle name?
What's your fav website?
Single or Taken?
Good or Bad kisser?
What would you do if the world were coming to an end?
Do stupid shit and waste all of my money
Biggest regret ever?
Can’t remember
Would you have givin into peer pressure?
Last but not least. What's your name?

Best Friend Survey

What is your name? Alex
What is your best friend's name? Emily
How old are you and your best friend? 13
How long have you and this person been best friends? 2 years
How did you two become best friends? I tagged along with her and Chelsy and Phoebe sometime in year 7
Do you and your best friend have a song? Not really
Do you and your best friend have an inside joke? Do we? No I don't think we do lol
What habits have you picked up from your best friend? Pervyness...
What number is your best friend on your myspace and why? No myspace!
Have you and your best friend ever kissed? NO FUCKEN WAY!
Do you and your best friend have a favorite movie? Twilight all the way baby
Do you and your best friend have a handshake/saying? 'Your mum'
Whats something that ONLY you and your best friend know? I wanna flyy....?
What are you and your best friend favorite thing to drink? Coke?
What are you and your best friend favorite thing to eat? Buuurgers
Do you two hang out on certain days or times? We see each other 5 times a week in school, and talk everyday on MSN

How often do you two talk on the phone? ....
Do you two text? And if so, how often? Yesh, not always tho
Do you and your best friend have a boyfriend/girlfriend? We wish
What are their names or who was their last boyfriend/girlfriend? Um...LOOK IT'S A DUCK!

Share some memories that you two have? The best was when we went to the cinema with Marcy on her b-day, and we watched Letters To Julier
Why did you pick the memories that you did? Cause it was funnee! I was staring at the screen all through the movie, and kept goin' 'KISS!'
Have you two ever been in an argument? Yeah. No long-term non-speaking terms though
Was there a time that the argument got so bad that you two werent friends? No! That could neva happen
What is your two's favorite band? The Wanted. It's not really my fave or hers but we both like it
Have you ever stuck up for your best friend? YESH :3
Would you fight for your best friend? YESH!
When is the next time you two are hanging out? Monday in school

Music Survey

Case u haven't noticed, I've gotten addicted to surveys.....might make a blog on surveys soon, lol!

Do you like country music? How’s this: NO!

If yes, who's youir favorite artist? I said no !!

Is 80's Rock still "hip"? ...How the hell should I know?,,,

How do you think music originated? I just think music is awesome =D

Should Weird Al just stop? I have an idea : Stalk him, get his number, and then ask him

Do you own an iPod? No *cries*

Have you ever listened to "Swing" music? I will now...

Who is your favorite band/singer? Simple plan, Green Day, All-American Rejects, The Afters, Black Veil Brides, etc

Is hip hop getting old? YEAH IT IS!

Whats the best music to use in a comedy movie? .......................................Squirrels?......................

Do you know who Steven Tyler is? No! WHO IS HE?! Is he fit?!

Who is he? i have no clue

Who sings "I'll Walk"? GAWD I KNEW THIS NOW I FORGOT!

Is James Brown your idol? Hell no

How many times do you listen to music a day? All throughout the daaaay baby! YEAH!

Is this survey boring you? Yes, as a matter of fact, it is

Is headbangers ball still cool? ...somehow this question scares me though I have no idea what that is...

Do you prefer emo music or hip hop/R&B/Rap? EMO!

Why? Cause Emo music is HAWT!

If Chris Brown came to your door what would you do? KICK HIS ASS!

What concerts have you been to? None

Do you think boybands should make a comeback? YEAAAH!!!!!

Do you think any other NSYNC guys are gay? Dunno

If so, which ones? Your mum! XD

Should Ozzy Osbourne take a speech class? LOL!!!!!!! TOTALLY!

Friday 1 April 2011

Another random survey

We Want To Know Your...
Name?: Alex
Birthday?: 07/11/97
Location?: None your business!
Hair Color?: Brown
Hair Style?: Straight [not like it’s gay…]
Eye Color?: Brown-ish
Do you wear Glasses or Contacts?: Neither
Zodiac Sign?: Scorpio

Your Favorite...
Color?: Black, blue
Band?: Paramore, Simple Plan, Black Veil Brides
Food?: Pizza
Drink?: Redbull
Ice Cream Flavor?: Strawberry
Song?: Welcome to my life by Simple Plan
Gum?: Hubba Bubba :D
Month?:  November
Day of the week?: Saturday
Board Game?: Monopoly
Show?: Romania’s got talent [YES IT EXISTS!]
Phrase?: Look at my other surveys, you’ll see
Female Name(s)?: Belle
Male Name(s)?: Skyler
Store(s)?: New Look
State?: DUCKS ! :D LOL
City: 2 many 2 count
Channel(s)?: Nuffin’
Font?: …
Book?: Boys Don’t Cry, Random, Twilight saga
Physical Feature?: Eyes! <33

Do You/Have You Ever...
Had the Flu?: Yeah
Seen a Concert?: Nope
Been forced to see a concert?: No
Been in the newspaper?: No
Sang horribly on purpose?: Yeah! :D
Cut Class?: Maaaybe!
Made straight A's?: Nope
Made straight F's?: Nope
Broken a bone?: I wish………
Gotten Stitches?: No
Given Blood & Fainted?: Nooope!

One or the Other.
Rock or Rap?: Rap
TV or Radio?: TV
Cat or Dog?: Dog
Jeans or Shorts?: Jeans
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
City or Suburbia?: City
Florida or California?: Florida
Crayons or Markers?: Markers
Black & White or Color?: Color
Book or Magazine?: magazine w/ pics of hot guys…
Plane or Car?: Car
Gold or Silver?: Silver
Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi

The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear...
Temperature: HAWT
Panic: OMG do we have a test?!
Massacre: Kill!
Secret: TELL ME!
Rocky: Puppy!
Chemical: My Chemical Romance
Waffle: WOFFLEZ!
Ocean: Mermaids
The Real World: WTF is that?

Random Questions
Ever had a pet fish?: Yas
Do you have an iPod?: No
Do you own a pair of Checkered Vans?: NO~
Have You Seen the orignal Texas Chainsaw Massacre?: No
What is your current CD in your CD Player?: ..
What song are you playing at the moment?: Some random song
Would You Ever Jump From A Plane?: Do I look like I wanna die?
What College Team Do You Go For?: None
Can You play an Instrument?: Keyboard
Whats your Favorite Madonna song?: EW
Do you have an 8-Track Player?: No
Are you into comedy, action, or drama?: Horror
Have you ever Shaken Up A Soda, Open It, and Drank It Anyway?: Yeah :D
Have You Made Up A Fake Holiday?: Not yet…..
Have You Ever Been To Australia?: No. BUT I WANNA RIDE A KANGAROO! :D Oh gawd, that sounded WRONG!
Do You Know What Triskadekaphobia is?: A phobia…but of what?
Is Ohio For Lovers?: IDFK!

Emily song no 2!!

I’m only Human
I never thought that, Life could turn around so quick
When I knew that love was, just this little Childs game
But once I looked in your eyes, that wonderful Brown
I knew my world had turned upside down

Love, Love can play havoc with your mind
But I’m only human
But I won’t be in a small amount of time

Cause your totally different
But I want to spend my life with you
And that’s why I’m never
Gonna feel the way you do

I sometimes feel, that you’re starting to avoid
The truth that needs to be told
Cause boy I love you
But I’m not sure I can survive

Love, Love can play havoc with your mind
But I’m only human
But I won’t be in a small amount of time

Cause your totally different
But I want to spend my life with you
And that’s why I’m never
Gonna feel the way you do

Random survey

1. Do you like chinese food? No...tastes like...POO!

2. How big is your bed? Why d'you wanna know...?

3. Is your room clean? If I clean it then yes! :D

4. Laptop or Desktop computer? BOTH! XD

5. Favorite comedian? Eddie Murphy all the way!

6. Do you smoke? Oh yeaaah, like weed and stuff *sarcastic* Whaddya think I am, dumb?

7. Does anyone like you? NOPE! Not that I know of anyway ! XP

8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? Who. The hell. Is that?

10. Sleep with or without clothes on? Clothes on, duh? Doesn't everyone sleep with clothes on...? Less you count monkeys...cause they don't ! :D

11. Who sleeps with you every night? My pillow :D

12. Do long distance relationships work? Have tried, has failed. Has failed 2 times actually. SO NO! XD

13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? 0! I good gal !

14. Pancakes or French Toast? Paaaaancaaaakes!!! *drool*

15. Do you like coffee? One word. Ew.

16. How do you like your eggs? ...*giggling hysterically* that what Megan asked me in Science. I prefer not to say what she answered herself! :D

17. Do you believe in astrology? Woo.. *unenthusiastic*

18. Last person you talked to on the phone? Ummm um um um....I have no clue.....

19. Last person on your missed call list? Think it was Sophie..can't remembeeeeer!

20. What was the last text message you received? Sophie said I cool ! XD

21. McDonalds or Burger King? MCDONALDS!

22. Number of pillows? 2!

23. Last thing you ate? Crissssps....

24. Last thing you bought? Cool new outfit that I got to show off on Red Nose Day haha

25. What are you hearing right now? Youtube video playing and keys

26. Pick a lyric? "Do you ever feel like breakin' down do u ever feel outta place like somehow u just don't belong and no one understands u." - Welcome to My Life by SIMPLE PLAN! <333

27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? NO JELLY! EW!

28. Can you play pool? Sorta

29. Do you know how to swim? I suck at swimming...

30. Favorite ice cream? STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM!

31. Do you like maps? Maps = Geography. Georgraphy = BARF!

32. Tell me a random fact: I wanna go see Simple Plan in concert......

33. Ever had a hard on at work? I don't work, lovey.

34. Ever attend a theme party? Yeah, Neon themed party

35. Ever do a keg stand? What the heck is that?

37. What is your favorite season? SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

38. What is the first music video you ever saw? Dunno

39. Pick a movie quote: "I wrote a song about u." "Really?" "Yeah, it's called bitch in uniform." - Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging

40. Favorite quote: "Just be yourself and don't take anyone's shit"

41. What is your favorite hangout? Park! :D

42. Best friend’s name? Emily! <33

43. How long have you known them? for 2 yrs :)

44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? Today in Citizenship

45. What time did you wake up this morning? 7 something

46. Wake up next to anyone? My Twilight blanket <333

47. Best thing about winter? Get to shove snow down boys' jumpers...

48. Name a couple of favorite colors: Black, blue

49. How old are you? 13!

50. What month is your birthday in? November !

51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? Gay

52. Favorite Dave Matthews Band song (if you have one?) Who the hell are they? They sound like a made-up band for a commercial...

53. What are you doing this weekend? Shoppin..

54. Who will take this survey? Your mum! XD

Gone [One-Shot by no other than ME!]

I got well depressed when this guy died [he was only 18]. He took a bullet for his mate and then his mate announced his death on The guy's name was Rave, and this is for him, so people won't forget what an awesome guy I've heard he is. He always said 'don't take anyone's shit'. And we listen, because he's right. We SHOULDN'T take anyone's shit!

My hero.
My idol.
My savior.
My brother.
My lover.
He was everything.
Now I just wish I'd told him how much he meant to me. But it's too late now.
Way too late.
It's my fault he's gone. But I'm sure if he was here right now, he's say 'Daisuke, you ASS! It's not your fault, bro!'.
Problem is...itwas my fault. Everyone knows it was.
He did it for me.
He took several bullets for me that night.
My savior.
I suppose losing someone is...I don't know...most people be relieved they had one less person to deal with. Others will find it sad. Some will celebrate. But we did neither of these things. We wanted to cry, but didn't, for we could hear his voice in our heads...
'Don't say proper goodbyes, now. Or you'll start howling. Don't you even dare cry, otherwise I will haunt you. That's a promise!'
I promised I wouldn't cry. We all promised. But...he was just so perfect. Perfect boyfriend, brother, son, nephew, friend etc.
We loved him.
We couldn't hold the tears in any longer.
Especially me.
So there I sat on the cold pavement, holding him in my arms, tears springing to my eyes. No one interrupted my grieving.
They knew I'd be so mad at them, they won't make it alive. I'd ignored the 'help! call 911!' calls from my friends.
I knew he wouldn't survive.
He knew it too.
He'd spent his last 10 minutes trying to comfort me, though I should've been the one comforting him.He shouldn't have saved me. I was the one who should've died.
That was exactly what I told him that night.
"You asshole!" he's choked. "You're my friend, bro, why let you die so I can live? It's better this way. Everyone'll be much happier with me gone, alright. Just...promise me everyone'll be okay. Take care of everyone for me, eh? Promise...promise me..."
He couldn't finish, as tears fell down his cheeks.
"I promise!" I'd howled, holding him tighter.
"I love you, dude..."
Those were the last words he'd ever said to me and before I could respond...he was gone. I cried, and no one could stop me then. I'd cursed myself for being such an idiot and getting involved in all the gangster/mafia stuff, so I had problems and he had to save me.
Then the ambulance had arrived, and they took him away from me.
I'd protested bitterly.
He was dead, why take him to the hospital, for fuck's sake!?
All a mystery to me.
That night, I couldn't sleep, nor could I stop crying. I'd tried comforting his mum, but ended up all depressed myself. I had to stop. I knew it. I tried.I succeeded.
Not a day goes by that I don't miss him, but I gotta get on with life. I'm sure he's in a better place right now, and he's watching over me amiling, thinking I'd forgotten him and it was better this way.
But I haven't forgotten.
He's still my friend.
My best friend.
And nothing'll ever change that.
We miss and love him.
We'll always remember my hero.

PS: I changed the name to Sam

Monday 21 March 2011

Emily's one-shot!

Hi guys...

I been feeling down, and I just felt like putting this up even though I know that Emily's gonna kill me sooner or later...

Once upon a time there was a young boy called Jordan and a young girl called Em. They both went to the same school just down the street from their houses. Em had a crush on Jordan and had ever since they first ran into each other in the hallway in the maths block. It was Jordan’s older brother Charlie’s birthday at the weekend and everyone wanted to get invited. Liam Em’s older brother was Charlie’s best friend and he got an invitation saying that he and Em were invited. Em couldn’t believe it because even though she new Charlie quite well they hadn’t really spoken much. On the night of the party Em found out that they were going to a party at the cinema but it wasn’t just a film it was speeches at the front of the room and lots of decorations.
On the invitation it said to arrive at 7.00 but Em and Liam arrived at 6.00 an hour early. They got to help with decorations and getting everything ready. At 6.30 Jordan came in and was surprised to see Em on the floor making decorations for the party. He went over and said hi and they spoke for a while but through the whole thing Jordan could see Em going red. He asked if she was alright then walked off. Before they knew it, it was 7.00 and all the guests started piling into the cinema. Just as Em was going to sit down Jordan came in and asked if she would enter with him just before Charlie. Em said yes knowing that this was just Jordan being friendly but she believed it was a sign.
As they were just about to walk in Jordan told Em that he was feeling sick and couldn’t do this in front of all these people but Em reassured him shaking his hand and slightly bumping him on the side. He felt a whole lot better after this and as they walked in he grabbed Em’s hand. As they made their way to the top of the cinema Em and Jordan knew that this was the start of something.
They sat down next to each other with Chelsy Em’s best friend and Callum Jordan’s friend next to them. As the film started Em and Jordan quickly looked at each other then looked back. Through the whole film they would laugh and giggle together like they were 2 year olds and the people around them didn’t seem to mind.  At the end of the film Chelsy turned round to Em and started talking about whether her plan to get Jordan was working or not. Em knew this was going to end in disaster. Jordan over heard what Chelsy was saying and got angry with Em because he thought that she only wanted to be friends.
Through the next 3 speeches Jordan and Em were silent not saying a word to each other. Then in the 4th speech Em decided to get some fresh air, some more popcorn and try to talk to Jordan when she got back. Yet when she did everyone had moved over to seats nearer the front and Em was left alone. After a while she asked if there was enough room for her to sit over with her friends and they said of course. She squeezed in next to Chelsy and Callum but still Jordan said nothing but it looked like he was thinking about something maybe his speech or maybe Em. Then it was Jordan’s turn to make a speech and as he got up front he decided he would make his speech later at the surprise after cinema party they had thrown. As everyone got on to buses they made their way to the party at Charlie and Jordan’s house but on the way they dropped everyone at their houses so they could put three stuff away before the party. They had 10 minutes each but Em was last as she lived right near Jordan and Charlie.
When it was her stop Em got off and ran up the hill that she lived on crying that Jordan will never speak to her again when she heard a voice. It sounded like shouting but she didn’t stop to look and see who it was. As she came back out of her house changed and in the party sprit she saw Jordan. She walked straight past him like he wasn’t there but he was and he stopped her. He told her that she was so brilliant and fantastic he couldn’t go out with her because he would only let her down but Em didn’t seem convinced with his accuses. They both walked 50 feet away from each other as they were walking to Jordan’s house because they knew they missed the bus, but it was only 150 metres separating their houses. When they got there it was Jordan’s turn to say his speech and as he did he stated that even though it was Charlie’s birthday he had made the worst decision of his life today and in front of everyone he told them that he loved Em so much he can’t believe he let her down.
After all this Em forgave Jordan and Jordan forgave Em and they spent the rest of the party holding hands walking around together. They had a few jokes from Liam and Charlie about how Jordan had been so soppy and romantic but they didn’t mind because they knew whatever happened as long as they were together it didn’t matter at all what people said.
It would be nice to say they lived happily ever after like in Cinderella or loved each other as much as Romeo and Juliet but I guess we will never know....

Emily's song #1!

Me, I think I’m falling in love again
Me, How can I get you outta my mind
Boy, that one special dream that I had
Oh boy, I can’t get you outta my head

Oh my, I think I really like you
Oh my, I can’t think of anyone else boy
I can’t make my up mind
Whether I like you or whether my heart lies

Oh-oh you’re my perfect soul mate
Oh-oh we get along like best mates
And boy I need the sound of your voice
To live each day and night

Me, I think I’m falling in love again
Me, I just can’t think of anyone else boy
You’re in mind your in my heart
I just can’t make a new start

Oh my, I think my love’s growing stronger
Oh my, my hearts beating faster
I just can’t make up my mind
Whether I like you or whether my heart lies

Oh-oh you’re my perfect soul mate
Oh-oh we get along like best mates

And boy I need the sound of your voice
To live each day and night

Me, I’m falling in and out of love everyday
Me, I just don’t know what to say
Baby my hearts set on you anyway
So say bye to new starts
Oh boy

It's good, isn't it?! ^-^



Notice the three dots. The greeting is different from my usual 'HI GUYS!!!" . But I went out with someone, and my ex-friend said I'm makin' him up cause he's in America. So I said I'm not and so on. So we broke up, and now ----- is still being mean to me. Wish I was dead right now. Save everyone a lotta time.


Thursday 3 February 2011


Hey guys!!

I hope you are reading my blog entries. You better be anyway. Right, so I have a friend called Emily [but then u all know that] and she likes songwriting. As I have promised her I'll post some songs on to here...this is what I'm doing!! ^-^ Just look for my next 2 entries [her latest songs].

Love you guys

PS [message to anyone who likes polo's]: POHOOO! XD Thank you Aaron for inventing this new word, lol.
PSS [or PPS...whateeeever] : Those songs aren't copied from other artists. They are ORIGINAL! Enjoy.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Abouuuuut me! XD

Name: Alex
Age: 13
Personality: Crazy, weird, annoying, cool, friendly, short-tempered, mean [when I feel like it], shy [with people I barely know].
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Drawing, collecting stuffed animals [Yeh, babyish. You gotta prob?!]
Likes: Annoying people, drawing, editing pics.
Dislikes: Chocolate.. yuk.
Fave colours: Blue, Black, Red, Green, Yellow.
Fave books: Twilight series, Mates Dates series, My so-called afterlife.
Fave bands/singers: Paramore, Selena Gomez, Bruno Mars, Taio Cruz, Jason Derulo, Katy Perry, N-DUBZ, etc.
Fave actors: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Aaron Johnson, Taylor Lautner, Jaden Smith, Eddie Murphy.
Fave movies: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Step Up 3D, Step Up To The Streets, Shrek Forever After, Space Buddies, Mirrors, Harry Potter [all movies], Rush Hour [all], etc.
Fave movie genre: Horror & Comedies
Pets: Toy Poodle called Toto.
Friends and what I think about each of them: Sophie - She's one of my best friends. She's always there for me and can keep secrets. I have to admit I'm sometimes jealous because all the friends she has made. She gets along with everyone especially younger people. I admire her for that.
David - He's funny. Sometimes annoying. Sometimes I feel sorry for him when everyone teases him. I've only known him about..what, 2 weeks? So I don't know that many things about him. Aaron - COOL! Yeah I said it. He's awesome, cool, friendly, and most importantly, FUNNY! XD I call him Bob, he calls me Bobellina. He is a truly great friend. Annoying at times, but other than that, he's just as cool as Sophie. We've only started hanging out about a few weeks ago, but he is already on my best friends ever list. Phil - One word. Annoying. He's ok some of the time, but usually X-tremely annoying. We have the same taste in music though, so it's all cool. Emily D - One word only. AWESOME!!! Rest of the people I hang out with - People like Jamie, Jake, Matt, etc...I barely know them. I do think they are cool though. And funny!! XD
My opinion on Life, Love, Death: Life - It's an awesome thing. Make the most of it and be yourself, 'cos it's way too short to be anyone else. Love - It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Also, you can turn friendship into love, but not love into friendship, so be careful ;).  Death - Blood XP Nah, JK. It's....weird. Losing someone's awful, but we don't know what it's like to be DEAD, do we?! >.>
Other websites I'm registered on: Mibba, Quizilla :P

That's all [or most] about me!! XDDD Byee!


Monday 24 January 2011

Introduction to my lovely blog...

Soo...hiya! XD Special hello's to Sophie, Zak, Aaron, David and Asy! XD U guys rock! So here's a bit about moi blog...and ...yeah! So, this blog comes with: Stories, songs, tales of how school was, journal entries, etc. You buy the rest separately! LOL-lypop! XD [Special new word from Em!] Ok so yeh. Read my next entry 'About me!' cos some of u will find out something you never expected! Nothing ok! ....yeeeaaaah!

Bye bye!

PS: Wondering why the name 'Vanilla Ice Cream'? I felt like it! And wanted something different! Mweheh! XD